IEEE best PhD thesis award for Kasper van der El
This message was originally posted on the site of Delft Cybernetics. Read the full details here.
IEEE best PhD thesis award for Kasper van der El
Congratulations to Kasper van der El for receiving the award for the best PhD thesis in Human-Machine Systems from the Thesis Grant Initiative of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. Kasper received the award for his ground-breaking research on “How Humans Use Preview Information in Manual Control”, which can be downloaded here. More information about Kasper’s research and the many IEEE papers he wrote about his work can be found here.
This prestigious award is handed out by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society every year to an “outstanding” thesis in the field. The main criteria used in the evaluation are the relevance of the topic, technical-scientific quality, document structure, scientific language, and referencing. The prize consists of $1000 and a plaque.