Dr ir Diane Cleij
Increasing use of motion-based simulators is made for a wide variety of vehicles. One of the main challenges of a motion-based simulator is to cope with its limited workspace. Motion Cueing Algorithms (MCA) have been developed to map the vehicle inertial motions onto the simulator motion space, while minimizing the mismatch between the visual and inertial motion cues. However, a mismatch always remains. In my research I aim to investigate the relation between these mismatches and the time varying perceived realism of the motion simulation.
In 2011 I graduated from the Technical University in Delft, The Netherlands, in the field of control and simulation at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. During my internship I did research on differences between driving behavior in elderly and young drivers at Entropy Inc, San Diego, USA. For my master thesis I developed a haptic shared controller based on different states of the human neuromuscular system and analyzed the influences of these controllers on driving behavior. After my master thesis I worked in industry for two years as a mechatronics designer at Alten Mechatronics and ASML. In 2014 I started my PhD here at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics.