Academic Staff
Dr.ir. Coen de Visser
Associate Professor
I am an associate professor at the department of Control & Simulation at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Delft University of Technology (TU-Delft). I received my M.Sc. degree and my Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Delft University of Technology in 2007 and 2011 respectively. I am the principle investigator of the Aircraft System Identification and Control group within the Control and Simulation section. The research of my group is focused on the development and application of advanced modelling and control theory with the ultimate goal of making aircraft and spacecraft safer and more efficient. In November 2020 I received the NWO-Vidi grant (800.000 euros) for my research on safe envelope prediction and protection of autonomous robots, such as drones.
The central theme in our research is improving the safety and performance of aircraft and drones by researching new advancements in the fields of control theory and system identification. As an example, we conduct flight test experiments from damaged multirotor drones, and then use the obtained experimental data to identify high fidelity models. These models are then used for control system design, high fidelity simulations, and for safe flight envelope prediction.
For more information, please visit my research page.