Max Mulder | Professor of Excellence 2021
On Thursday 3 June, Delft University Fund awarded Max Mulder the title of Professor of Excellence 2021. Mulder is Professor of Control & Simulation in the Department of Control & Operations at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE). Max Mulder was nominated by Prof. Henri Werij (Dean of the Faculty of AE), colleagues from his field, the study association VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and former Master’s students and doctoral candidates. “Professor Mulder is receiving the Professor of Excellence Award for his remarkable contribution to teaching, research and the university. The jury considers Professor Mulder to be a true Professor of Excellence, a consummate professional with outstanding research qualities who also excels in every aspect of coaching students, doctoral candidates and colleagues,” notes Prof. Van Keulen, Chair of the Professor of Excellence 2021 jury.