
Correcting strapdown GPS/INS gravimetry estimates with GPS attitude data


Alberts, BA, Gunter, BC, Muis, A, Chu, QP, Giorgi, G, Huisman, L, Buist, PJ, Tiberius, CCJM & Lindenburg, H (2010). Correcting Strpdown GPS/INS Gravimetry Estimates with GPS Attitude Data. In SP Mertikas (Ed.), Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observations (pp. 93-100). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer..



C&S aims to be a leading research group in the integration, development and testing of new theories on control, autonomous and cognitive systems (with and without human elements), while addressing industrial and societal needs.


Section Control & Simulation
Department Control & Operations
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology

Kluyverweg 1
2629 HS, Delft

+31 (0)15 27 89471