PhD Candidates
Paolo Scaramuzzino, MSc.
NITROS ESR12: Simulator training for helicopter pilots
I obtained the Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. My academic specialities are structures and rotorcraft. I graduated in July 2016 with a thesis entitled “Multidisciplinary High-fidelity Optimization of a Transport Aircraft Through Mesh Morphing”, showing that aerodynamic and structure considerations can not be irrespective of each other while performing optimization, in order to avoid suboptimal design. During my last year of Master of Science I focused my attention on Finite Element Analysis and Multibody Analysis. In particular, I had the opportunity to familiarize with regulations for large ariplanes and to acquire a deep knowledge of FEA softwares. I also attended courses about rotorcraft that introduced me to the working principles and the design of these fascinating machines and allowed me to acquire a basic knowledge of MB softwares. I worked for one year in a company of consulting engineering in the field of FEA and software development. I covered the role of CAE Analyst, so I had to manage and support FEM numerical analysis using different solvers.
I have been selected for NITROS (Network for Innovative Training on Rotorcraft Safety) program, winning a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship. In this context, my project consists of a double PhD between TU Delft and Politecnico di Milano, working on flight simulators in order to reduce the gap between reality and its artificial representation. Improving the capacity of replicating rotorcraft and pilot behaviour would lead to a widespread application of flight simulators, ranging from pilots training to the design and development of the rotorcraft itself, including investigation of its characteristics and control handling qualities.