AIAA Modeling and Simulation Best Paper Award Rowenna Wijlens
This message was originally posted on the site of Delft Cybernetics. Read the full details here.
AIAA MST 2020 Best Paper Award
At the fully virtual 2021 AIAA SciTech forum, Rowenna Wijlens, Daan Pool, and Peter Zaal (NASA Ames) received the 2020 AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference Best Paper Award for the paper “Retention of Manual Control Skills in Multi-Axis Tracking Tasks“. In this paper, Rowenna presented the findings of her MSc thesis experiment performed in the HMILab at TU Delft, where trained 40 participants for difficult pitch-roll tracking task and evaluated how much their skills had decayed after 2-6 months time. Congratulations Rowenna!
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