PhD Students
ir. Maurice Kolff
Driving simulator motion cueing optimization
Since December 2019, I have been working on a collaborative PhD project between BMW and Control & Simulation at the TU Delft. I perform my daily work in Munich, Germany. BMW is currently constructing a new simulation center, which will operate a total of fourteen driving simulators. The motion of each simulator is controlled by a Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA), for which many different configurations exist. But being built with different purposes, each simulator inherently also has different capabilities and limitations. The main goal of my PhD project is to develop a method to assess the quality of different MCAs, as well as the simulators, to select the best-suited combination between them for a given use-case or experiment.
Before starting my current PhD project, I was an MSc student at our group. For my final thesis work, I investigated how visual degradation affects human driving and eye gaze behavior as part of our preview research.