PhD Students
ir. Sarah Barendswaard
Driver modelling and haptic shared control
Ever since I was young, I was both interested in mechanics and humans, as I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to become a physician or engineer. So it is no surprise that I now study human behaviour in an engineering context!
My background is Control and Simulation in the Aerospace Department of TU Delft. My graduation thesis was on the topic of cybernetics (in the aerospace domain), titled ‘An Investigation Into The Differences Between Single and Dual-Axis Manual Control Behaviour’.
I joined the Delft Haptics Lab as a PhD student in March 15th 2016. My project is funded by the symbiotic-driving VIDI grant received by David Abbink. The VIDI project tries to improve the current ‘one size fit for all’ haptic guidance currently proposed in literature, by engineering mutual adaptation and interaction. Haptic shared control that adapts itself to individual driving behaviour and preferences, would maintain driver safety and hopefully enhance drivers acceptance of automation.
My contribution to the VIDI programme is figuring out a way to identify adaptive driver-behaviour online, to allow adaptation of the haptic shared controller. As this touches upon both haptic feedback and system identification of humans, I am supervised by both David Abbink and Daan Pool (who was also my MSc. supervisor).
When not in the Lab, I like cooking, running in the dunes and occasionally playing piano.