MSc Assignments
Prediction and real-time simulation of vibratory loads applied to the AH-64 helicopter
Lead Researcher: | Dr.ir. Ivan Miletović | |
Other specifications: | Full-time |
Project description
In helicopter flight, vibrations arising at the pilot station from loads generated by the main rotor constitute an important cue to pilots. As such, the inclusion of vibrations in real-time, pilot-in-the-loop helicopter flight simulation is of great interest. Physics-based modelling and simulation of vibratory loads, however, is a notoriously complex problem in the field of rotorcraft dynamics. Results obtained from even the most sophisticated analyses often exhibit poor correlation with flight test data across the operational flight envelope. A project is therefore organised in cooperation with Desdemona B.V. to develop a more pragmatic approach for the prediction of vibratory loads, applied specifically to the AH-64 helicopter.
Project goal
The goal of this project is to develop a method, based on regression analysis performed on flight test data and using pilot-in-the-loop-experiments, for the prediction and real-time simulation of vibratory loads applied to the AH-64 helicopter. The project is conducted at Desdemona B.V in Soesterberg, the Netherlands and is to be completed in a nominal time of 9 months.
Project outline
The following activities are envisioned:
- Perform literature study on vibratory loads in rotorcraft and characterise loads as a function of forward flight speed.
- Collect flight test data available in open literature (e.g., from UH-60/SH-60 research) and identify, using multiple regression or similar techniques, a model of vibratory loads.
- Adapt the model for application to the AH-64 helicopter by appropriate “tuning” of model parameters. This process is to be supported using pilot-in-the-loop experiments performed in the Desdemona simulator.
- Write a scientific paper about the outcomes of the project.